
“Letting Go – Secrets to a Happy Life” Church 09.04.22

We started a new series this Sunday on Joseph from the book of Genesis. How could one person go through so much trouble be so faithful and blessed? The first secret is he knew how to let go and trust God. Be encouraged this communion Sunday to faithfully follow where the Lord leads you and truly be happy. Find out more about the Secrets to a Happy Life book that you can read along with during this message series at

Sermon Notes

Rockwell Church             Sept 4, 2022           Pastor Chris Teien
Secrets to a Happy Life Series: Letting Go
A Pilgrim’s Heart. Think like a pilgrim, holding all things lightly, because earth’s deepest joys are rooted in heaven’s highest blessing.

#1 Learning to be Content (Phil 4:11-12)

#2 Living as a Sojourner (Gen 37:1-4)

#3 Leading like a Pilgrim (Heb 11:7-16; 2 Tim 2:4)

QUESTIONS For Reflection and Discussion

1. Would you say your friends are more dependent on surface happiness or deep happiness?

2. What makes you happy? Unhappy?

3. Would you say that you and your family are basically happy? Is it more of a surface happiness or a deep happiness?

4. What role does God play in a person’s happiness? Do you think most of your friends connect the dots between God and their happiness on a regular basis? Do you?

5. What does Psalm 37:4 say about a person’s deep happiness?

6. How weird or not weird is the idea of being a modern-day pilgrim? How common is that thought?

7. If your kids were to describe your relationship to material possessions, what would they say? How about in relation to your relationship with God?

8. Describe a time when you worked hard to get something you really wanted, and then discovered it wasn’t worth the effort.

9. Can you name some ways you can simplify your life? How will you feel?

10. What does Jesus say about laying up treasures in Matthew 6:19-21? What do you think it means?

If you are following along with the Secrets to a Happy Life Book
then you can read Chapter One: Letting Go